Considering Digital Marketing As An Artist

On the Patch website Robert Henry writes a short but comprehensive article about artists wanting to be seen and heard. His solution is to consider digital marketing to boost their careers, he describes it as using “an online realm as a tool for advertising”. Artists should start out with a plan and have a basic knowledge of what is required to market themselves online.

SEO Skills, Keywords and Tags

The first skill mentioned is search engine optimization and a core understanding of keywords and tags. Knowing who your art will appeal too and search terms they will use will help. Front page results are important and only a small proportion of people will continue to second or deeper search.

It is the social media and video sites that will use the tags to help the work be found, including facebook, twitter, Instagram and youtube, of course there are many other metrics to consider also for extra visibility.

An example given is the term “pencil drawings”, here Robert explains what happens in that scenario. Posting on socials regularly is also a key and deciding what to post, so the visitors are fully engaged with the work.

Although interesting, there is probably too little information for someone to just start a digital marketing campaign in Vegas or anywhere else for that matter. Social media does make sense as it takes so little time and virtually no cost. But a SEO campaign is not cheap for any niche that delivers traffic and the search terms “Pencil Drawings” is just too vague.

Customer Search Educated?

Another thing to consider with online search is does the customer need to be educated before they search? In better words what pencil drawing are they looking for, size colour etc. They are more likely to search for something more long tail like “pencil drawing Las Vegas strip” for example.

Then there are the online selling marketplaces such as Ebay. Millions of people use this platform everyday and it can be a massive showcase for any art work, providing they can find what it is your are selling.

There are of course more visual socials such as Pintrest and Instagram that focus on images and have a huge following from artists and photographers alike. Of course marketing online means the target audience can be worldwide, never mind just locally in Vegas.

A short article, but hopefully enough to get your teeth into and may the brain think about selling art through the internet.

Social profiles